Announcing Transfiguration: A new short story collection

Hello, clouds and raindrops;

I’m excited to talk about my next book, transfiguration, a collection of fourteen science fiction and weird fiction stories written by me—to be made available in digital ebook, paperbound physical book, and soundwave audiobook formats.

Transfiguration releases on easter sunday, march 31st. Here’s a peak at the cover currently being designed by yours truly:

A cropped area of the Transfiguration book cover which features an astronaut in a T-pose, as if on a cross, surrounded by a large Carbon atom.
Cropped portion of the transfiguration cover. Note that this cover is still being designed and is subject to change between now and release.

What kinds of stories are in this collection?

These fourteen stories capture moments of drastic change. Transfiguration of mind, heart, body, and soul. transfiguration of society. Transfiguration of things much bigger than us. Even the transfiguration of something small that creates a much larger impact on the world.

Some of these stories are comedic. others tragic. There are stories of tense action and eerie body horror. There are stories of triumphant, optimistic strength and hopeless defeat. There’s even a bittersweet alien romance story in this collection.

transfiguration has something for any science fiction lover. In a way, this collection is my love letter to the genre itself.

I’ll be sharing more with everyone over the coming months, including a full view of the cover and some behind-THE-scenes images and videos of me putting the final touches on everything.

Stay tuned, Clouds and Raindrops.